Unlocking Top Talent: 14 Key Coding Patterns to Look for in Candidates


In the fast-paced world of tech recruitment, technical hiring managers must be able to identify coding superstars who can take your organisation to new heights. But how do you separate the best from the rest? In this article, you will find out the top 14 coding patterns for recruitment managers.

14 Key Coding Patterns

1. The Sliding Window Technique

A coder with this skill set is like a gem. This skill is a creative way of reducing the complexity in both space and time. Candidates who have mastered this method can efficiently navigate data structures and solve issues at lightning speed. Consider the prospects! With ease and accuracy, they take on difficult tasks without sacrificing productivity. As a result, if you are a hiring manager in the field of computer science, you should seek people who can use the sliding window approach with ease. The future of your company is assured with these brilliant programmers on staff.

2. Two Pointers: Precision Doubled

Two pointers is a pretty neat technique that involves you, a programmer using a pair of pointers to quickly move through data structures, like arrays or linked lists. By juggling these two pointers at different spots, you can effectively search, sort, or tweak the data. The best part? It’s highly precise and accurate, which is like having an extra set of eyes, which is really helpful. If you’re a technical recruiter, you should prioritize finding developers who are familiar with the two-pointers method. Their quickness, precision, and efficacy in dealing with such code, will be an asset to your team.

3. Binary Search: Divide and Conquer Brilliance

When looking for a particular item in a sorted data structure, binary search is an effective algorithmic strategy. While arrays are the most common format for data in a binary search, other ordered structures, such as trees, may also be used. This piece of algorithmic code narrows the search space by 50% at regular intervals, depending on a comparison with the sought-after component. This method will keep going until either the element is located or the search area is completely used up. Those who are up to the task of implementing binary search algorithms are promising candidates since it shows they have a deep understanding of both problem-solving and algorithmic concepts.

4. Depth-First Search (DFS)

Another algorithmic method often used in graph traversal and searching is called Depth-First Search (DFS). It moves across a graph from the centre outward, visiting each node until it
reaches a leaf node or a node with no neighbours it hasn’t already seen. It will go back to previously unexplored nodes if required. DFS investigates the graph by breaking it down into smaller linked components or subgraphs, as opposed to breaking the issue down into smaller subproblems. Successful candidates for your team and organization who are able to navigate and analyze graph-based difficulties may be discovered through DFS assessments at various stages of the hiring process.

5. Breadth-First Search (BFS)

This nifty coding pattern is all about systematically exploring a graph. Imagine throwing a pebble into a calm pond and watching the ripples spread out in concentric circles. When it comes to graph exploration, BFS skill experts are obviously experienced programmers. Applicants with this technical skill of breath first search are proficient in probing in-depth, working out viable solutions in extensive application coding and are also able to quickly detect the quickest method to achieve a solution. Candidates who can enthusiastically explain BFS and demonstrate its practical applications are the real deal.

6. Dynamic Programming (DP)

Any coder who is able to apply the dynamic programming skill of breaking down complex problems into tiers of smaller chunks will be good at solving huge real business problems.
Applicants who have a mastery dynamic of this area are programmers that a recruiter needs to employ.

7. Greedy Algorithms

The greedy algorithm is basically about making the best possible choice at each step, hoping it will lead to the optimal solution. Greedy Algorithms are not only efficient but also often provide optimal solutions for problems with optimal substructure. So, be on the lookout for candidates who can make intelligent choices and explain the greedy choice property. Coders who excel in greedy algorithms make decisions that lead to globally optimised solutions. They have a sixth sense of picking the right path. It’s like having a coding compass!

8. Backtracking

Backtracking is a coding pattern that will surely pique your interest. Backtracking is perfect for solving puzzles, finding permutations and combinations. It’s like being a detective, systematically eliminating incorrect leads until the correct answer emerges. So, when interviewing coding candidates, look for those who understand backtracking as they are good problem solvers. No problem can hide from their scrutiny!

9. Hashing

This pattern uses a clever mapping technique to store and retrieve data at a lightning-fast speed. Hashing is widely used in data structures like hash tables, sets, and maps. Candidates familiar with hashing possess a secret weapon for rapid data storage and retrieval. From solving frequency or uniqueness-related problems, they optimise efficiency like no other.

10. Bit Manipulation

Bit manipulation skill is often used in optimisation, low-level programming, and cryptography. So, when interviewing candidates, look for those who can skillfully tame those bits and deploy these skills and a large scale in real live scenarios.

11. Topological Sorting

Topological Sorting is essential for tasks like scheduling and cycle detection in graphs. Candidates skilled in topological sorting bring structure and strategy to the table. They can logically organise thoughts and tasks, making them invaluable for complex projects. Chaos, meet your match!

12. Union Find

Union Find is a handy data structure that helps manage collections of disjoint sets. It’s like having a magic wand that can find representative elements and merge sets effortlessly. Candidates who excel in this area are masters at solving connectivity problems. They connect the dots like a tech guru.

13. Trie Data Structure

Imagine having a supercharged tool to store and retrieve strings with lightning- fast speed. That’s precisely what the Trie Data Structure brings to the coding universe! It’s like having a specialised dictionary that excels at autocomplete, spell-checking, and IP routing. Trie is a perfect fit for applications that efficiently search and manipulate strings. So, when interviewing candidates, look for those who are familiar with Tries and can demonstrate how this pattern can be practically applied. Candidates familiar with the Trie data structure have a shortcut to efficient string management and searching.

14. Divide and Conquer

Candidates who embrace the divide and conquer approach fearlessly tackle problems head-on. They break them down into manageable pieces and conquer them with confidence. Challenges, beware!


Here are 14 patterns you may use to crush your next coding interview. These patterns discussed in this blog article demonstrate the candidate’s technical skills and also reveal something about their approach to addressing problems. Taking notice of these 14 coding abilities will allow you to identify the most promising candidates quickly.

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